Brainwave Entrainment Super Mind Music MP3

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Listening to beautiful Brainwave Entrainment

Most brainwave entrainment offered at various sites is simply a recording which contain beats, beeps, or white noise. Imagine you have to listen to such tapes every day for several weeks. You will feel very bored and stop listening, even before getting the long-term benefits that you want! But what if the brainwave entrainment combined with classical music, jazz, or piano? Your brainwave entrainment session will be much more fun!

Jeff Gignac, a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) under Dr. Richard Bandler, uses combination of monaural beats, binaural beats, isochronic tones and other proprietary technologies mixed with with different types of music. He finally discovered how it was possible to mix music and BWE in a way that not only did the BWE work, but also the effects of albums were multiplied. So he's been creating different albums with beautiful music from a wide genre, including chillout, jazz, piano, guitar, dance, classical, ambient, etc.

ALL his brainwave entrainment (BWE) albums have many benefits, including balancing of emotions, regulation of sleep cycles, positive brain chemical release such as DHEA and Serotonin, and balancing of the brain's electrical activity and whole brain functioning. The Brainwave Entrainment mp3 recording will give you a taste of what Super Mind Music can do. The beautiful ambient music is mixed with BWE that helps you relax and rejuvenate. So you get an album that's enjoyable, effective and with long term use, it will make you smarter.

Click here for more info about the BWE

Benefits of Using Brainwave Entrainment in Long Term

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Brainwave entrainment illustration

Brainwave entrainment ( BWE ) has several useful benefits both for your health and your mental performance. Here are the three major benefits of brainwave entrainment that you can achieve for your peak performance in life:

1. Brainwave entrainment helps you reach extraordinary levels of performance

One of the major benefits of brainwave entainment is the balancing of the brain's electrical activity or whole brain functioning. As various parts of your brain start to work together, neural pathways begin to fire more rapidly. This can help your brain to reach extraordinary levels of performance and higher thinking ability, which in turn produces intense creativity, clarity, and inspiration.

2. Brainwave Entrainment increases your brain's processing power

Listening to brainwave entrainment build new neural pathways which encourages the growth of new dendritic growth within the brain. As these dendrite fibers grow, they increase the surface area available for receiving incoming information. The more dendrites the brain has, the quicker it can process information. It just like bodybuilding for the brain!

3. Brainwave entrainment can counteract the effect of aging

The more you listen to brainwave entrainment, the more the dendrites grow on an ongoing basis. This allows your brain to operate at its full potential rather than only using a portion of its potential. Long term benefits can counteract the debilitating effects of aging.

As a suggestion, you can obtain the full benefits of several high-quality Brainwave entrainment ( BWE ) by clicking here.

Improve Self-Confidence : Subliminal Way

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Improve self-confidence is not as easy as saying it. In fact, people who do not have or lack of confidence often caused by complex problems. He had to overcome the mental block that is difficult to penetrate with conventional methods or therapies. This is almost the same as smoking habits. Each smokers are aware that smoking is harmful to their health, but they can not stop their habit. Why? Because of these habits are at subconscious level that can not be effectively terminated in the normal way.

One method that has been developed to address a variety of mental problems in the subconscious level is the use of subliminal audio technology. This technology is in the form of positive affirmations in form of subliminal messages inserted "behind" instrumental music or nature sounds that soothe the mind (waves, wind, and so on). The subliminal messages recorded at low frequencies that can not be heard by the ear, but can infiltrate and immediately accepted by the subconscious mind. By breaking through and passes mental-blocking made ​​by the conscious mind, positive affirmations can effectively boost confidence, and thus can effectively influence - and gradually change the mindset of your confidence.

One of the NLP audio subliminal created specifically to help improve self-confidence is audio CD (and MP3) made by ChargedAudio entitled "Self-Confidence Turbo Booster". Through a set of positive affirmations inserted as a subliminal message, Self-Confidence Turbo Booster is designed for a few things:

1. Reprogramming your mind to easily accept positive affirmations.
2. Eliminte any mindsets and negative thinking that blocking your efforts to increase self-confidence.
3. Increase the level of self-confidence, a positive sense of love to yourself. and self-esteem.
4. Eliminate shyness!
5. Improve the relationships with your family and others around you.
And many others.

Increased self-confidence gives you satisfaction, and a better chance of a healthy lifestyle that you want.

To learn more about subliminal audio technology ChargedAudio, please click here.

Positive Self Image : How to Get It

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Positive Self Image

Self Image is not the reality of ourselves, but how we view and judge ourselves. Self Image is very smooth, and does not appear, as it working at the level of unconscious mind.

Sometimes we need to enter the inner stillness first so that we can find our true Self-Image ! It takes honesty and the loss of the ego to see the pure Self-Image !

Self Image is similar to the sheath or ideas filter that wraps us, with every thought that is not in accordance with the Self Image will soon be "turned off", while thought that "fit" with the "Self Image" will be "live" and be strengthened!

For example, if you have a negative self image: "I am a person who is not attractive"; Then when you try to think: "I'll find a lot of new friends at the party tonight!", your negative self image will soon "kill" the mind through self-talk, such as: "Ah, you're just dreaming .... the people just want to get acquainted with interesting people .... not people like you who are not attractive at all ".

Conversely, when you think: "I'm at the party .... definitely will be ignored ....", then your negative self-image will strengthen the mind through self-talk such as: "yes .. you should try hold emotions and be patient ..... this is the risk for the mediocre individual like you ".

From this simple illustration, we can begin to do "self-introspection". Identify basic things contained in the "Self-Image" we want to be changed.

Here are some positive affirmations that good enough to use as a basic mind platform to change our self-image into a positive:

"I deserve abundant prosperity."
"I always thankful for life."
"I have a right to succeed."
"All of my thoughts, words, and actions, always brings me to abundance."
"All my needs and desires are always met with a very easy way."
"I am an interesting person."
"I am a magnet of abundance."
"I am personally a smart, tough, and wise."

Although positive affirmations sentences above are not specific, but still be able to be sync with "Well-Formed Outcome" principle of NLP, is to create a time target when would these programs be firmly entrenched as our self-image or has reached the "competence" in our inner mindset.