The most simple self development method - and does not consuming cost of at all - is autosuggestion. The technique was introduced by France hypnosis expert, Emily Couve. In 1895, in her clinic in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Couve develop a psychological technique to help his patients, which later resulted in the occurrence of revolution of modern psychotherapy healing. Although seemingly simple, this technique turned out to very efficacious. Dr. Couve taught his patients repeatedly say to himself affirmations sentence that he designed:
"I'm getting better and better everyday"
Although this self-affirmation method was originally rejected by many as too simple and less effective, but then its positive results can not be denied. Dr. Couve clinic began to achieve a cure rate of over 500 percent when compared to other clinics and hospitals throughout Europe.
This self-affirmation concept is actually a pioneer of modern psychology, and in fact all of the best athletes utilize the technique created by Dr. Couve to build their mental condition to the highest level. If many best athletes use self-affirmation to increase their mental condition, why others people engaged in other occupations do not try it ? And maybe a good idea if the artists, employees, attorneys, teachers, leaders and other professionals also use a similar affirmation. New results developed through self-affirmation techniques can be achieved in about 21 days.
Make a winning habit using self-affirmation program by applying this technique twice a day for 21 consecutive days, and you'll see amazing result for yourself!